First you should find out the HS Code/s related to your Importation of goods.
You can see a column named ICL in the Customs Tariff. if it is mentioned 'L' Mark for the certain HS Codes under this column, it is must to apply for the Import Control License.
(i) Go to Consolidated list
(ii) At the Consolidated list you might see following Categories;
B - Banned
SL/TB - Suspended License / Temporary Banned TS - Temporary Suspended
L - Licensed
(iii) If the HS Code you selected is 'L' (Licensed), you can apply for the ICL.
Before applying for the ICL, you may get the recommendation from relevant Authority.
All Importers who wish to get the ICL need to register as a company or an individual in the portal
Guideline for customer registration - Registration Guideline with completion of this step, all your communication links have been verified.
Please login to your account. Navigate to my Transactions - Fill out the relevant Application/s, attach required documents and after filling all sections in "My Transactions" Application submission process you can submit your application to IECD evaluation process by clicking "Submit for evaluation" you can get information about evaluation status via user account of IECD
Make the payment for Import Control License and Issuance of Import Control License You will receive a notification to make a payment for the License. Payments can be done via online (through Sampath Bank & Commercial Bank PLC) or manual payment can be done to the shroff counter at IECD.
Description | Downloads |
Debit Declaration Form | PDF [657KB] |
No: 75 1/3, 1st Floor, Hemas Building,
York Street,
P.O. Box - 559,
Colombo 01,
Sri Lanka.
(94) 112 326 774
(94) 112 322 046
(94) 112 322 053
(94) 112 322 007
(94) 112 328 486